ComAlu is our online, web-based platform which allows TECHNAL customers to transfer orders digitally and to monitor their full order status 24/7. Outstanding and completed deliveries can be checked whenever you need to, wherever you are. This is to improve the transparency and speed of our communications with you.
Setting up a ComAlu account as a TECHNAL customer is quick and easy. Simply choose within your company who requires access, and set for each user what access levels they need. For instance, Procurement Teams for Order Processing, Finance Departments for consultation of invoices etc.
Account settings can be accessed at anytime to update your ComAlu account with changes to your organisation.
Your Account Managers are able to provide training on the ComAlu platform.
Sending orders digitally can be done with the ComAlu platform and data can be transferred directly from the TECHDESIGN technical calculation software.
Orders can also be planned and scheduled in advance. You can create several orders and place them in the waiting list to send in line with your project planning. Several orders can be saved and sent together and can also have different delivery addresses.
Live orders can also be tracked 24/7 by using the order status window. Changes with planning can be discussed with your Customer Service Executive and all information is presented clearly and transparently.
Detailed information can be shown using Com@Lu for completed and open orders. This information includes:
Documents can also be exported and printed in PDF and Excel format.