An EPD is a document whose content is defined and regulated according to the International Standards EN15804 and ISO 14025 (for construction projects). This provides transparent information about the product's environmental impact and is independently verified by a third-party.
There are 5 different stages which compose the lifecycle of the product. For a human, it would be like dividing their life into several stages: birth, childhood, teen years, adulthood, end of life.
Those stages are divided between different steps, also called “modules”.
In our product EPD, modules from A5 to C2 (construction module and usage stage) are labeled as “MND” which stands for “Module Not Declared”. Indeed, these modules are out of our calculation scope because we don’t have precise and customize information on how our products will be assembled in the building or used during its usage phase. These missing data can be completed by architects and consultants to calculate the impacts of the building for its whole lifecycle.
Product stage, specifically “ raw material supply” (A1) account for around 35% of the total impact of the product. That's why, at TECHNAL, we focus on selecting the most sustainable and responsible materials.
That’s how we manage to get such good results for the product stage in our EPDs. Indeed, as our EPDs are dynamic and integrated in our quotation software we know exactly which materials are used in all our products and we work with all our supply chain to get the real impacts of their products or materials instead of using general data inventories.
In a dynamic EPD, you're able to fill in the exact dimensions and weight of the product, and thus you can automatically calculate the exact impact of not only this specific item but also the environmental impact on the project as a whole. This is a huge difference compared to a "standard" EPD, based only on one dimension.
At TECHNAL, we are the first aluminium building systems house to propose dynamic EPD's on our software TechDesign. It's easy to evaluate the impact of your specific product choice in order to ensure you're keeping the impact of your projects as small as possible.
We believe that to be truly sustainable, we must look to a world beyond four walls and work to make it a reality – starting today. That´s why we go beyond world-class low-carbon materials, to run every part of our business as sustainably as possible.