Eight awards shall be made, one per category, corresponding to the following eight categories:
/LIVING award Individual housing
/LIVING award Collective housing(vertical or horizontal)
/STUDYINGaward Culture & Teaching
/WORKINGaward Tertiary, office building, trade & industries + Health Center (public/private Hospital, etc.)
/DISCOVERINGaward Leisure, hotels and sports centres
/ RESTORINGaward Renovations & extensions
/SKYSCRAPER award Very high buildings, minimum 25 floors
/YOUNG ARCHITECT award Implementation led by architects aged 40 and under.
These eight prizes shall be rewarded for the eight winning teams by one three-day stay in Paris which includes in particular travel and accommodation costs, together with meals, but also a gala dinner for the trophy award ceremony, a tour of an architectural building, participation in a focus group and a visit to the Batimat exhibition.