
How Quality Solar Protection Can Enhance A Building

Solar Protection
Solar protection


How Quality Solar Protection Can Enhance A Building

In today's world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are important, architects and builders are constantly looking for new ways to improve the performance and appearance of their buildings. Solar protection is one such solution that has gained popularity in recent years. This solution is commonly found in the form of a high-quality solar protection shutter and has the potential to revolutionize both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of a building. In this blog post, we will look at how quality solar shielding can raise the value of a building.


Unveiling solar protection's influence on buildings

  • Energy efficiency

One of the primary reasons why quality solar protection is gaining popularity is its ability to enhance a building's energy efficiency. Solar glare protection systems, such as UV protection shutters, help control the amount of sunlight and heat entering a building. By doing so, they reduce the need for excessive air conditioning or heating, resulting in lower energy consumption and, consequently, reduced energy bills.

Imagine a scorching summer day when the sun's rays are beating down relentlessly. Without solar radiation mitigation, a building can quickly turn into an oven, requiring extensive cooling efforts. However, UV protection shutters can be adjusted to block the sun's harsh rays, keeping indoor temperatures comfortable without overtaxing your client's HVAC system.

  • UV protection

High-quality solar protection also offers UV protection. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause furniture, flooring, and other interior elements to fade and deteriorate over time. Solar glare control systems act as a shield, blocking harmful UV rays from entering the building, thus preserving the integrity of interior furnishings and decor.

  • Glare reduction

Glare can be a significant nuisance, especially in spaces with large windows or glass facades. A solar protection shutter can reduce glare, making it easier for occupants to work, relax, or enjoy the view without constantly being bothered by blinding sunlight. This feature is particularly valuable in office buildings, residential homes, and educational institutions.

Materials matter

The effectiveness of solar glare control systems largely depends on the materials used in their construction. High-quality materials not only improve performance but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of a building. Here are some common materials used in these protection systems:

  • Aluminum
    Aluminum is a popular choice due to its lightweight nature, durability, and resistance to corrosion. It is an excellent material for a solar protection shutter because it can withstand harsh weather conditions and requires minimal maintenance. Additionally, aluminum can be easily customized to match a building's design and color scheme. 


However, it's essential to consider the environmental impact of aluminum production. Until the urban mining system is fully implemented and aluminum alloys are sourced entirely from post-consumer materials, Hydro takes things up a notch with its environmental footprint. Hydro REDUXA 4.0 is a primary aluminum alloy with a remarkably low CO2 footprint of just 4kg CO2 per kg of aluminum, well below the European average of 6.7kg of CO2. This achievement is made possible by incorporating cutting-edge technology and using renewable energy sources like hydro, wind, and solar power in manufacturing.

Hydro REDUXA's commitment to sustainability extends to its production process. Like Hydro CIRCAL 75R, Hydro REDUXA's production process is fully traceable and certified by the independent external body DNV-GL, ensuring its adherence to stringent standards and low carbon emissions. Notably, the 4kg CO2 per kg of aluminum threshold encompasses all emissions, from mining and refining to transportation, power generation, anode production, smelting, and casting.

  • Wood

Wood offers a timeless and classic look for solar defense systems. While wooden shutters are known for their aesthetic appeal, they may require more maintenance than aluminum counterparts to prevent warping or rotting. Properly treated and maintained, wooden solar mitigating shutters can be a stunning addition to any building.

  • Fabric

Fabric-based solar defense solutions, like retractable awnings, offer versatility and design options. These systems are often used in residential settings to create outdoor living spaces. Fabric materials come in various patterns and colors, allowing homeowners to personalize their outdoor areas while providing shade and sun protection.


Design and integration

Besides choosing the right materials, the design and integration of solar protection systems play a crucial role in enhancing a building's overall appeal. Here's how:

Architectural harmony

Solar shielding systems should seamlessly integrate with a building's architectural style. Solar defense systems should complement the existing aesthetics, whether it's a modern, minimalist design or a traditional, ornate facade. This can be achieved by carefully selecting materials, colors, and design elements.

Motorization and smart controls
The convenience of a motorized solar protection shutter cannot be overstated. These systems can be easily adjusted with a button or through smartphone apps. Additionally, integrating solar shielding with smart building automation systems allows for dynamic control based on weather conditions and time of day, further enhancing energy efficiency and user comfort.


Every building is unique, and solar shielding solutions should be tailored to meet specific needs. Customization options include the size of the shutters, the choice of materials, and even the control mechanisms. Architects and builders should work closely with solar shielding experts to ensure the system aligns with the building's functional and aesthetic requirements.

Enhancing buildings with quality protection

In a world where energy efficiency and sustainability are paramount, quality solar protection emerges as a powerful solution. It improves energy efficiency, shields against harmful UV rays, and reduces glare.

At Technal, we recognize the transformative potential of solar glare protection. Our commitment to sustainability, as seen in our products like Hydro REDUXA 4.0, aligns with your eco-conscious goals.

The seamless integration of solar reduction systems into your building's design and smart controls offers aesthetic and functional benefits. Customization ensures tailored solutions for unique requirements.

Ready to elevate your building's performance and style? Contact Technal for an obligation-free consultation, or visit our website to discover our products. Your journey to a more sustainable, efficient, and stylish building begins now.