Beyond products

At TECHNAL, when it comes to Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB), our long-term goal is to be the mirror of our society.

To achieve our ambition to create an inclusive work culture, we have a strong action planed organized around a dedicated DIB Working Group to screen our practices, increase internal awareness and train our HRs and leaders.

We also have two gender goals: to have 50% of our new hires be females by 2025 and reach 27% of female employees by the same year. Our focus will be on operations and sales, where gender diversity in the weakest in the building and construction sector

It means we all have the responsability to educate the building and construction market and show how women are as capable as men to do the job. It implies working hand in hand with our partners towards a gender-aware market.


30 kt CO2
30 kt CO2
29.6 kt CO2
28.5* kt CO2
25* kt CO2

Diversity is also about ethnicity and national origins. 

At TECHNAL, in 2021, our employees represented a mosaic of 62 different nationalities. And for us, being a workplace fostering collaboration between all generations is also a priority: that is why we put a high focus on integrating more and more apprentices and trainees


As part of Hydro group, we have the same Code of Conduct on each continent. Human rights are considered with the same point of view whatever the country you're working. 

Concretely, it comes out as principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining, freedom from discrimination and harassment, decent working conditions, right to privacy, safety and health access...


Consult our Code of Conduct

We believe that to be truly sustainable, we must look to a world beyond four walls and work to make it a reality – starting today. That´s why we go beyond world-class low-carbon materials, to run every part of our business as sustainably as possible.


TECHNAL has a holistic approach to sustainability and act within 3 main areas:

to reduce the carbon emission
in the use phase

to reduce the upfront and
embodied emissions

to see the
bigger picture